If you have lived with a cat, you know they spend a good bit of time sleeping.
Watching a cat that is curled up and sleeping soundly is a nice thing to see. Let us assist our cats in achieving that peaceful state of mind by giving some thought to our choice of cat beds.
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How to Select the Best Bed for Your Cat
1. Get a cat bed that will be easy to clean
Cats are very clean, but they are hairy. Whatever they lay down on will become hairy. Cleaning that up periodically will be necessary. Think about how you will do that when looking at a bed.
A hand held vacuum is one solution, and it is one that should be used even prior to washing This will reduce the hair that will go down the drain of your sink or washing machine.
Of course you will occasionally need to hand wash, or washing machine wash, your cat bed. Look at your prospective cat bed and consider how you will do that and the effect it will have on the bed. Will the bed come out of the washer-dryer as a lump of fabric that no longer resembles a bed?
Buying a bed with a removable cover, or just putting a towel over the sleeping area of the bed, is one thing that may make keeping the bed clean an easier task.
How to Deal With Cat Hair is my blog post that will give you more information about this.
2. Select a bed made of a material they are less likely to scratch on
I recall when a clothes hamper made of wicker was purchased and put into our utility closet. Our cats said “whoopee, a new scratching post!” There was always little pieces of the clothes hamper on the floor.
And you too may have observed that kitties like to hang out in cardboard boxes. The problem is, they also like to chew and scratch on cardboard.
It is probably best not to tempt your cat with a bed constructed of material that includes wood or cardboard in the construction.
3. Pick a bed that will be inexpensive to replace
I do not think that you will find a cat bed company that offers a lifetime guarantee on its product. I really don’t blame them.
Your cat bed is not going to last a long, long time. We may as well accept the fact that our cats are good at “using things”, and that we will eventually need to plop down some money to get a new bed.
4. Make sure the bed has comfortable padding
“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.” James Herriot – author
I have observed a cat sleeping in a very odd place that didn’t look like it would be very comfortable. However, they generally seem to prefer a soft surface such as a couch, or a human’s bed, or a pile of clothes. Let’s give them another choice.
Look for a bed with a soft surface so they can knead it, circle around on it, lay down on it, and the next thing you know they are sleeping and content.
5. Aim for the right size bed
Keep in mind you are going to have to wash the bed. A very large bed will obviously be more difficult to fit in a washing machine, or even to wash and dry in a sink.
And cats seem to like cozy surroundings when they sleep. A bed with raised sides will give something to cuddle up against.
Where Can I Buy a Good Cat Bed?
Here is a cat bed your kitty might love:

- K & H Amazin” Kitty Lounge Sleeper
- For more info visit the K & H company website
Where Should You Put Your Cat’s Bed?
1. In indirect sun
I have observed that cats love to sleep in a sunbeam. It seems like it would get in their eyes and keep them awake, but they appear to really like to bask in the warmth of the sun.
So if there is a window where you could place the bed in sunshine, I think your pet might enjoy that.
However, a cat’s face is susceptible to sunburn. In fact, to a lesser degree, their entire body could get burned, even with all the fur. So limit their exposure to low in the sky beams of sunlight rather than direct overhead sunshine over an extended period of time.
2. In a quiet place
Kitchen appliances and washer-dryers make the kind of surprise whirring noise that seems to bother cats. They don’t seem to mind TV sets too much as long as it’s not real loud or with guns and cannons going off.
If you see their ears twitching while they are sleeping, that may be because some noise is disturbing them.
3. Near you
Your cat loves you. If they can be in your company while they are sleeping I think they would like that. Where do you hang out a lot? In your bedroom near a window sounds like a great place! Just not where you might trip over them if you have to get up during the night.
4. Somewhere Safe
Since we know cats like to be up in high places, it may be tempting to put the bed on a table or some other elevated surface. This could invite an accident where the bed fell off the high place with the cat in it.
Instead of a cat bed placed up high, consider getting your pet a cat tree on which the beds are attached to the tree. This would satisfy their instinctual need to be up high with their need to sleep. You are invited to visit my blog post How to Choose a Cat Tree for some good information about that.
For an unattached cat bed, I think the floor is a better choice. Be sure to choose a location where they won’t get stepped on.
How to Get My Cat to Use a New Cat Bed
It may just be a matter of showing it to them. Give them a day or two to figure out if it is where they want to lay their head.
If your cat seems hesitant, put a few treats in front of the bed. If still no go, put the treats IN the bed, but this can get a little messy what with crumbs and saliva.
If your friend is still not sure, try some catnip spray. Just spray a little bit on the bed and watch. Not all cats respond to catnip, and kittens do not respond at all.
Incidentally, if you are curious about catnip, see my blog post How Will Catnip Affect My Cat?
When Your Cat is Happy Everyone is Happy
If you choose your cat bed wisely, you will make your cat very happy. For other ways to make your pet happy, visit my blog post How to Make Your Cat Happy