7 Tips to Choose a Litter Box (your cat might really like)

Way back in 1966 when I went into the U.S. Army, I learned the K.I.S.S. principle. (Keep It Super Simple.)

I have taken care of the litter boxes for multiple-cat households. I have worked with hooded litter boxes, mechanical litter boxes, and open-top litter boxes.

Given my experience with litter boxes, I think the K.I.S.S. principle makes sense. A simple open-top box is your best choice. It will make things easier for you and for your cat.

We want to do all we can to encourage your cat’s use of the litter box.

In this next section I give my reasons for why I think an open-top box is best, along with additional information that will help you choose the right litter box.

7 Tips to Help You Choose a Cat Litter Box

1. Why an open-top litter box

An open-top litter box has these advantages:

  • easy for your cat to get in and out
  • easy for you and your other pets to see if the box is occupied
  • easy for you to see if the box needs cleaning
  • easy for you to clean since no cover to deal with
  • does not trap odors inside the box

2. A high-sided litter box will make you happy

With a healthy adult cat, a high-sided box will help contain litter splatter and urine spray.

(Less litter splatter and less urine spraying will promote less screaming, less cursing, etc.)

One side of the box should be lower than the other three sides to allow easy entry.

You may want to place a water-resistant mat in front of the low side to catch any urine spraying that might be aimed in that direction. (Boy cats are real good at that.)

This high-sided advice does not apply to kittens or disabled cats. Those babies will need lower sides all around so they can get in the box. I have an example box later in this blog post.

3. Choose a simple box design

A plain rectangular box with an interior that has a smooth surface will be easy to clean.

Litter boxes that are not complicated also tend to be more economical.

Most litter boxes are made of plastic. Here you will find the most choices.

There are a few stainless steel boxes, most of which are basically a rectangular pan.

You can also find disposable boxes made of paper-like or cardboard-like material.

4. Get a box big enough for your cat

There should be room for your cat to mill around sniffing and picking the absolute best spot, and then be able to stand next to “it” and cover “it”.

If the box is too small, your kitty may step in “it” and then go stepping around the house.

(You sure don’t want that. Neither does your cat.)

A small box could be frustrating for your cat, causing it to look elsewhere for a restroom.

To see an example of a litter box with very good dimensions, look for it later in this blog post.

5. You’ll do a better cleaning job than a robot will

Auto-cleaning boxes might scare your cat. (We tried a mechanical box one time and it scared the dickens out of everybody, including me.)

If startled by the sudden activation of a mechanical box, your cat may go somewhere else to do its business. (We don’t want to leave that decision to chance.)

And an automated litter box could hinder your monitoring of your cat’s litter box activities and cause you to miss a problem your cat might be having.

6. Why I advise no plastic liner for your litter box

Potential problems with putting a plastic liner inside the box include;

  • Your cat’s scratching might tear the liner at the bottom of the box. This could allow urine to seep through and create a mound of clumped urine underneath the liner. ( I had this happen several times.)
  • The liner may not exactly fit your box. (I have found this to be a real pain.)
  • Dealing with the liner is an additional activity for you. (Who needs more stuff to do?)
  • Liners represent an additional cost. (Every little bit helps.)

7. When you need multiple litter boxes

The prevailing recommendation is one litter box per cat, plus one more box.

So one cat equals two boxes, two cats equals three boxes, and so on.

If you have several cats, this could add up to a lot of boxes. Use your own judgement about this based on how available you are to keep the litter boxes clean.

The important factor here is clean box availability. They might reject a soiled box, and once they reject something, it is difficult to get them to change their mind about it. (More like impossible.)

If you have a multi-level home, a box on each level would be appreciated by your cat.

cartoon image perfect cat litter box
This image courtesy of IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants),
with no endorsements intended or implied


Your choice of the right litter box will make your cat very happy.

For more ways to make your cat happy, visit my blog post How to Make Your Cat Happy

Meanwhile, scroll down for examples of great litter boxes.

Examples of Great Litter Boxes

Below find two litter boxes that that incorporate the 7 tips outlined above.

I do not receive any compensation should you decide to purchase these products.

Frisco High Sided Cat Litter Box

A litter box that is just right for a healthy adult cat. It has three sides high enough to reduce problems with litter flinging and urine spraying. It has a fourth side low enough for easy entry. This box is big enough to allow your cat to do things the way it wants to.

  • 18″ x 24″ x 10″ Height on 3 sides and 6″ Height at the front entry
  • a Frisco company product
  • for pricing visit the Chewy online store

KittyGoHere Senior Cat Litter Box

This litter box is best for a kitten or disabled cat because it is designed for easy access.

  • 20″ x 24″ x 5″ Height on 3 sides and 3″ Height at the front entry
  • a KittyGoHere company product
  • for pricing visit the Chewy online store

Important Information for You

Your Cat Wants a Clean Litter Box

I know this may seem really obvious, but I think it’s worth mentioning. It is an important point.

A study posted on the ScienceDirect website reports:

“Cats prefer a clean litter box to a dirty litter box.”

See. Even the cats say so. A study proves it.

The litter box is a key part of a cat’s life. They have incredible instincts about this.

I once saw a kitten just learning to walk get into a litter box and squat.

The litter box is also important for you. It represents a vital element of your life with your cat. A cat with good litter box habits is going to help you keep a clean and orderly environment in your home.

Since our cats are good enough to use the litter box, let us make it as comfortable and convenient for them as we can.

Joseph Marino

Thanks for visiting. I hope this information has been of value to you and your pet. Be sure to drop back by anytime. I'll leave the welcome mat out for you.

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