Table of Contents
I have taken care of the litter boxes for a multiple cat household, and I always felt that I was doing a good thing for my feline companions. I knew the cats wanted their litter boxes kept clean, and it was up to me to make that happen.
To encourage myself to be conscientious in this endeavor, I set things up so it would be convenient for me to clean the boxes and dispose of the waste. In this blog post you will find a suggested way of doing litter box duty that will support your effort to create a happy home for your cat.
It will be more straightforward to follow the set-up instructions if we first look at the tools you will need to make cleaning your cat’s litter box quicker and simpler.
5 Tools You Will Need To Set Up Your Cat’s Litter Box
1 A litter scooper
This is something you will need for sure. You will use this tool to scoop the waste out of the litter box and transfer it into a bag.

DuraScoop Jumbo Cat Litter Scoop
- aluminum construction
- rubber grip
- For more info visit the DuraAnimals company website
2. A floor mat
This should be placed in front of the litter box entry and exit point. This is a little bit like a door mat that you might put at your front door.

Gorilla Grip Litter Box Mat
For more info visit the Gorilla Grip company website
3. Poop bags
Use these bags to put and hold the stuff you scoop.

Baboo’s Bags Biodegrable Poop Bags
- biodegradable and compostable
- 9″ x 13″ size bag
- For more info visit the Larga Vitae company website
4. A flip-top trash can
This is an optional tool. It can serve as a place to store the scooper and your supply of poop bags. It can also be a temporary receptacle for used bags until you are ready to take them to the garbage.

simplehuman 10 Liter / 2.6 Gallon trash can
- stainless steel trash can
- 10.6″ x 11.2″ x 17.5″ High
- For more info visit the simplehuman company website
5. Plug-in night lights
Place these throughout the house to help your cat find the litter box at night since cats cannot see in total darkness. They have much better vision than humans in dim light, but cannot see when there is no light.
Cats are not nocturnal, but are what is referred to as crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn. Visit my blog post Why Does My Cat Blink At Me for more information about this.
You Will Also Need A Litter Box and Some Litter
For help choosing a litter box, visit my blog post: How to Choose a Cat Litter Box
For help choosing which cat litter to use, visit my blog post: How to Choose Cat Litter
Where Should I Locate My Cat Litter Box?
Some places to avoid include:
- hallways (due to high traffic)
- near washer-dryer (due to noise)
- kitchen (for your hygiene)
- near cat food and water bowls (for their hygiene)
- attic (hard to get to and scary)
- basement (see attic)
- any place they might accidently get locked in
Some places to consider include:
- Except for those areas listed above, any place where your pet is comfortable and you are okay with sharing that space with a box that might often contain poop or urine.
- Try to select a spot that is easy to get to while still providing your cat some degree of privacy.
How To Set Up Your Cat’s Litter Box (7 Steps)
When you have got your litter box, your litter, and your tools, then you are ready to set up.
STEP 1: Place your litter box at your chosen location.
STEP 2: Put the floor mat at the front entrance of the box.
STEP 3: Place your trash can nearby.
STEP 4: Store your scooper in a bag to contain residual litter that may stick to it and place this in the trash can. Also add a supply of poop bags to the can.
STEP 5: Pour the litter into your litter box. Start with a depth of 3″ for an adult cat and 1-1/2″ for a kitten or disabled cat. Spread the litter evenly to provide a smooth surface for your cat to move around on.
STEP 6: Plug in your night lights at various locations in the house.
STEP 7: Show the litter box to your cat. Most of the time they will know what to do. It has been my experience that many cats seem to instinctively understand what the litter box is for.
How To Clean Your Cat’s Litter Box (5 Steps)
STEP 1. When you notice that there’s some “stuff” in the litter box, get the scooper and a poop bag from the trash can and scoop the poop, or the urine as the case may be.
STEP 2: Sift the scooper over the box to return unsoiled litter to the box, put the “stuff” in the bag, return the poop bag and the scooper into the trash can and close the lid.
STEP 3: Add additional litter if necessary. You should not need to do this every time you scoop.
STEP 4: When convenient retrieve the waste bag from the trash can and put it into the garbage.
If you prefer to carry the bag of waste directly to your garbage can rather than temporarily store it in the trash can, that is certainly an option.
Do not flush the litter down your commode. Litter can clog your plumbing. Put the waste in the garbage.
STEP 5: When the need arises, do a complete box cleaning by emptying out all the litter into the garbage, cleaning the box with soap and water or a fragrance-free non-toxic cleaner, and re-filling the box with fresh litter.
Something to Keep in Mind
Your kitty is trying to be a member of your family by using the litter box you have provided. Do your best to be grateful for your pet’s efforts. We are all in this together.
Learn more that you can do for your cat when you visit my blog post How to Make Your Cat Happy