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I have lived with and cared for many cats. I have always found it amusing to try to figure out why cats do the things they do.
Often I do extensive research to discover if there any studies to explain our cats’ mysterious behavior. I can find no scientific studies on the subject of why cats sometimes dip their paw in a water bowl.
In a case like this, it is left for us to consider the facts that we know about cats, and from each fact to then make an educated hypothesis about why our cats do these things.
The boldfaced title of each of the “10 Reasons” listed below represents what to my mind is a fact, followed by my hypothesis that is based on that fact.
10 Reasons Why Cats Might Put Their Paw in a Water Bowl
1. Cats Are Dignified (fact)
(hypothesis) Sometimes cats wet their paw to take a drink because they think that eating or drinking by sticking one’s face down into a bowl is just not a proper way to behave. Being faithful adherents to the social graces, they take a sip by dipping a paw and licking the paw. This is far more elegant and refined.
Put yourself in their place. Imagine yourself at a party and you stick your head into the punch bowl and start slurping away. I don’t think you would be invited back.
Cats may be stuck with this undignified way of drinking, but they may occasionally seek relief from it.
2. Cats Are Curious
If you bring something new into your home, your cat will want to investigate it. If a cat walks into a room, he or she will feel compelled to look around for something they can inspect and analyze.
They are always looking for something to delve into. When a water bowl is spotted, it makes perfect sense to poke a paw into it to check it out.
3. Cats Have Poor “Very-Close” Eyesight
Many times I have put a much-desired treat in front of a cat only to witness the kitty having difficulty locating the treat. For very-close-up viewing, cat eyes are not all that great.
A bowl of clear water may look like an empty bowl. The surface of the water may be difficult for the cat to see. An exploratory paw may be called upon to find out just what is in that bowl.
Visit my blog post Why Does My Cat Blink at Me for more about cat eyesight.
4. Cats Like to Conserve Energy
When I was a boy, my Mother would ask me why I was always “taking it easy”, and I would reply that I was saving myself for emergencies.
I have witnessed a cat lie down on a floor and use his or her paw to have a little water while resting. Cats know there will be bookcases to climb and drapes to scale, so they want to save their energy for those more vigorous pursuits.
5. Cats Are Alert for Any Threat
Historical gunfighter of the American West, Wild Bill Hickock, made a habit of sitting at a poker table with his back against the wall so no one could sneak up on him from behind. One time he failed to do that and it proved to be a fatal mistake.
Cats like to keep their head up, just in case danger may be lurking nearby. Obviously they cannot do this with their head down while eating or drinking. Drinking with their paw may be their way of sitting with their back to the wall.
6. Cats Like Water That is Moving
Have you ever noticed your cat showing intense interest in the water coming from a household faucet? Flowing water seems to be attractive to cats, as long as they only get their chins and their paws wet.
Stirring the water in a bowl may be an attempt to replicate that flowing water effect.
Visit my blog post How to Choose a Cat Water Fountain to find out how you can provide your cat with the entertainment and drinking resource that is a cat water fountain.
7. Cats Tend to Paw Stuff
There is a saying going around, “if the Earth were flat, cats would have pawed everything off of it by now”.
Much of our cats’ behavior is driven by instinct. There is very little difference between your cat’s ancestral wildcat and your pet cat.
Our domestic cats have inherited an inclination to paw at something in front of them, so they do.
8. Cats May Find Your Water Glass Instead of Their Bowl
If you leave your glass of water unattended you may also want to leave a note that reads: “here kitty, go ahead and stick your paw in here”.
In 1924 British mountain climber George Mallory was asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, and Mr Mallory replied: “because it’s there”. I suspect that is the same answer you would get if you asked your kitty “why did you stick your paw into my water glass”.

9. Cats Get Bored
Have you ever noticed a cat playing with a toy only to stop and go do something else?
Cats do love routine, and they like their environment to be reliably predictable, but with some spice of life added. They are on the one hand steady and composed, and yet always ready for some adventure.
The novel idea of drinking with a paw may be a change of pace.
10. Cats Are Choosy
Well yes, they sure can be finicky. Maybe there is something about their bowl of water that they disapprove of, and they just do not want to drink out of it.
Try a different bowl or a different bowl location or different bowl water such as bottled versus tap. Trying to please a cat can be challenging at times, but very rewarding when they let you know they are happy with what you have done for them.
For help choosing a water bowl for your kitty, visit my blog post How to Choose the Best Cat Bowls.
Is it Okay for My Cat to Put Their Paw in Their Water Bowl?
One might wonder whether the cat might transfer germs from their paw to a bowl of water they are about to drink from. I guess this is possible, but I have never heard of or read about that being a problem, nor have I ever seen one of our cats get sick after doing this.
This is not behavior that could very easily be prevented, if that would be possible at all. I would say that the best we could hope for is to let them do it and assume they won’t have a problem.
Learning About Cats is Fun
If you enjoy reading about cat behavior and how you might make life with your pet even more interesting, you may want to visit my blog post Learn About Cats