I always enjoyed being with our cats while they were eating, and I hope I am not being presumptuous when I say that they seemed to like me being there for them.
Hanging out with your pet during meal time can be fun for both of you.
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9 Reasons You Should Watch Your Cat Eat:
1. You will give your cat a feeling of being safe
Cats are in a vulnerable situation when they have their heads down in a bowl of food and their attention is focused on that meal they are enjoying.
Their instincts do not leave them when they leave the wild outdoors, so the fear that there are threats lurking remains with them. Your presence will assure them that you have their back so they can relax and have a good meal.
For more on your cat’s instincts, visit my blog post What Are Cat Natural Instincts?
2. Your cat will have the pleasure of your company
If you have had your kitty for even a very brief period of time, hopefully the two of you have formed a bond. Rest assured your cat loves you and wants to be with you.
Not to mention you are the person that just served them food. I am convinced these animals feel gratitude, so of course your kitty will want you there throughout the entire process of getting fed.
3. You can make sure your cat is getting some food
If you have a single-pet household and you are serving canned food, you may want to make sure the food gets eaten within a reasonable time period as wet food that is left out can spoil.
If you have a multi-pet household, you may find some measure of competition for the food. I have known kitties who I dearly loved but who had the idea that they should be eating all of the food and not having to share with their fellow cats.
This food competition situation does not call for punishment or verbal reprimand, just a gentle reminder to keep your nose in your own food. Otherwise there might be conflict or a shy kitty who could go hungry. Your leadership in this matter requires your presence.
By the way, if you are a single-cat household and are thinking about becoming a multi-cat household, you may want to look at my blog post How Many Cats Can I Have at Home?
4. You can monitor your kitty for any physical or medical problems
There are a number of problems that could cause your cat to not eat. One may be the simple fact that they do not like that particular food.
However, there are other possibilities, some of which could require a visit to the veterinarian. It is just a good idea to watch to see how your pet is doing in the meal time department.
5. It has become part of their routine
Cats are creatures of habit. I myself have been stared at with obvious disapproval by cats who were disappointed that I did not adhere to a previously established timetable.
If you have stayed with your kitty during meals a few times and they liked that you did, they may be unhappy when you don’t.
6. They want to know that you care
You have been taking care of them. Perhaps you even rescued them. Minimizing the time spent away from them will show them that you don’t just take care of them, but that you also care for them.
Certainly we all have our life obligations, but what better way to spend available time than in the company of your pet kitty.
7. They like to know where you are
Cats are also control freaks. They want to know what is going on in their environment. That includes keeping track of you.
When their senses are distracted by the activity of eating their meal, they are not so easily informed of your whereabouts if you are not close by. Having you right there makes that job a whole lot easier.
8. They may remember being lonely
Let’s think about the circumstances under which your cat came to live with you.
If their prior residence was a shelter, or a parking lot, or a neglectful or even abusive household, they probably recall the loneliness and despair they may have endured.
Having a friend like you be with them during meal time could be a meaningful experience.
If your kitty is not a rescue, your attention to them while they are eating may serve to remind them that they have a forever home with a caring companion.
9. They wish they could see more of you
If work or other obligations take you away from your kitty for several hours each day, meal time can be a great way for you to spend some quality time with your cat.
This time together may be even better if you pet your cat’s back while your kitty is eating. This may startle your pet at first, but I have found that many cats really enjoy this kind of interaction. Try it and see. You both may find it a relaxing way to spend time together.
How to Choose the Right Cat Food
Meal time with your cat can be even better with the right cat food. In order for this time with your kitty to be a good time, you want to choose their food wisely. Here are three factors that may determine whether you and your kitty are both happy with the cat food chosen:
1. Healthy Ingredients
It was found in a study that cats can sense whether a food is healthy for them or not. For information about this perhaps surprising claim, see my blog post Why Are Cats Picky Eaters? That blog post will also show you how to figure out if a specific food has the right ingredients.
Being hypercarnivores, cats have specific nutritional needs. They are definitely meat-eaters, so the more meat in the cat food ingredients formula the better.
2. Taste
My blog post that I mentioned above offers information that can help predict if your cat will be happy with the taste of the food you bring home. However, the final judge in this matter is your cat.
Look at the ingredients and the texture and do the best you can. If you buy cat food by the case, there are some brands that offer a variety pack so your kitty can try several different recipes.
3. Cost
Most of us do not have unlimited budgets, so cost is surely something we have to keep in mind. Healthy foods, whether cat food or human food, do sometimes seem to be more costly.
However, if you shop around you can hopefully find a cat food that is both healthy and affordable. and tastes good. Here is one that I found that I thought fit that bill. Our cats really liked it.

This cat food, called CHICKEN CHECKMATE, is from the Weruva pet food company and is offered under their b.f.f. (best feline friend) brand.
Find More Information Like This
Being a cat parent is a rewarding experience. Living With Your Cat is my blog post that explores the wonders of spending time with those awesome animals. Visit when you have some time.